Monday, March 7, 2011


So I have pretty much been instructed that now is the time to change my life.  It's pretty hard to change habits you have been doing for the last 25 years or so.  I have always been a person who wants immediate results and if I don't see them I give up.  I have recently been diagnosed with a lot of health problems.  I am having to take a lot of medications each day and sleep with oxygen.  I will soon be getting a CPAP machine... talk about sexy!  Anyways I thought if I shared my journey with my family and friends it would be motivating.  So please post often with words of encouragement, tips, etc.  I love you all and want to extend my time on this beautiful earth!


  1. I love this idea!

    Here is a little quote from Louise Hays...

    In the Infinity of life where I am, all is perfect, whole and complete.
    I recognize my body as a good friend. Each cell in my body has divine intelligence. I Listen to what it tells me and know that its advice is valid. I am always safe and divinely protected and guided. I CHOOSE to be healthy and free. All is well in my world.

    Wendy, I am so proud that you are listening and choosing to be healthy and free. You are stronger than you believe you to be. I am so grateful to have such a dear friend in my life and excited to take this journey with you. You can be free from the pills, the oxygen. You can be healthy and live a fulfilling life. I cant wait for you to experience it. It is in the end so worth the way you feel.

    I love you dearly! Lisa

  2. Wendy,
    You are so full of love and life, I know it will be returned to you many times over. Be proud of yourself! It is so courageous to imagine a life different from what you've lived the past 25+ years.
    Happy Days,

  3. You are an amazing lady, Wendy. We could all learn from your example. Like Cynthia said... BE PROUD OF YOURSELF! You know I will do anything I can to help and encourage. Be strong!

  4. Wendy Lou, please blog more. I love this idea and I am very excited for you. Your amazing!
